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How to create a business landing page that performs | Blog ...

Having a great business website is essential as more people find and do business online. Putting one together means perfecting a complex marketing mix, which includes communicating your values, what your services and products are, standing out from competitors and most importantly, getting clients and customers to buy from you.

Whether you are launching a new website or revamping an existing one there are simple things you can do to drive people to your landing page, keep them coming back and get them to convert into sales.

1. Be easily found
Choose a website URL that?s relevant to your business. Yes it?s great to be creative, but there?s a reason why most business websites are closely named after the products and services they provide and their location: they?re most easily found on search and usually customers prefer local.

2. Keep it simple
On that note, make sure your URL is not so long and complicated that it?s hard to spell or type in search. Simple is best.

3. Load quickly
Have a landing page that loads quickly. Not everyone has fast internet and if a site is slow to load you will lose customers who get tired of waiting. While flash and other design effects can make great looking websites, they may not be the best for your business.

4. Be clear
Check your landing page reveals within seconds what you do and what you offer. Often business owners can be so close to their business idea that they assume customers know what the offering is, without spelling it out.

5. Take action
Have a clear call to action, which means when a customer does arrive at your landing page, is should be clear what they need to do to convert into a sale. Do you have a phone number, a form, or a link to add the item to a shopping cart? This is the push most customers will need to continue to look at your site, and it?s products. Make sure it?s in a prominent position, and above the fold (the top half of the page that you can see before you have to scroll).

6. Put it at the top
Use the area above the fold to contain the most important information, forms, images, offers or products. If you haven?t grabbed your customer?s attention by the time they have to scroll down the page, you are likely to lose them.

7. Get your image right
Choose images that are clear, aspirational and relevant to your business and products. Images are the reason why most customers click through on a website, so make sure they are appealing and a true representation of your products.

8. Work your content
Make sure your content is written in an easy to read style and is compelling, informative and up to date. Even if your subject matter is quite formal, make sure that the style and tone of the writing is accessible and a reflection of your business. And of course make sure all spelling and grammar is immaculate. Nothing says unprofessional more than badly spelled content.

9. Make it a good experience
Really think about the user experience ? which is how customers will move through your site. There is nothing more frustrating than broken links or buried information or a landing page where it?s hard to find the contact phone number. If you are not sure about this, get some friends to give you feedback about how your site is working.

10. Track performance
Your landing page may not be the first page that potential customers come to. So make sure you?re tracking how your website is performing page wise and that all pages, especially high traffic ones are working to convert sales.

Finally, online is continually evolving so keep making sure your business landing pages are too.

Source: http://blog.commbank.com.au/your-business/how-to-create-a-business-landing-page-that-performs/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-create-a-business-landing-page-that-performs

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